Your compass navigating the tarot

Category: Tarot (Page 4 of 6)


 The Minor Arcana tends to deal with the more day to day aspects of life…where you are.  The Minor Arcana tends to be more self-actualized lessons and choices that you can make about your journey going forward.

Overview and introduction to the Minor Arcana of the Tarot

While the Major Arcana tends to be major life events and deals with the big stuff, The Minor Arcana tends to deal with the more day to day aspects of life…where you are.  The Minor Arcana tends to be more self-actualized lessons and choices that you can make about your journey going forward.  I often like to think of them as course correction cards.  Perfect for the compass. 

The Minor Arcana consists of four suits, much like standard playing cards.  The suits within the Minor Arcana are Cups (water), Pentacles (earth), Swords (air), and Wands (fire). Similar to the individual septenaries that exist within the Major Arcana, each suit of the Minor Arcana also takes its own journey in the first 10 cards of each suit – a climb, a fall, a resolution. 

Pip Cards in the minor arcana of the tarot

The Minor Arcana, as mentioned above, consists of four suits.  There are within each suit 10 numbered cards, which are referred to as “pip cards.”  In modern decks, these pip cards also have pictures, in traditional tarot decks they did not, and so, were the closest cards within a tarot deck to a traditional deck of playing cards.

Court Cards of the minor arcana of the tarot

Each suit also has four court cards or face cards.  These are Page, Knight, Queen, King, and they are collectively referred to as the court cards. 

The Suits of the minor arcana of the tarot


Cups, which represent the element of water, generally deal with watery elements like emotions, feelings, relationships, and heart connections.  Cups remind us of the importance of fluidity, intuition, healing, and cleansing.  Water is a feminine element and reflects the subtle power that often resides within women:  sympathetic, flexible, cleansing and fluid. In varying decks, cups are also known as vessels or chalices.


Pentacles are associated with the element of Earth. Earth represents things that are tangible. Things like money, physical or outward consciousness health, finances, work, and creativity. They are more about the external things around us and how we create it, shape it, transform it, and grow it. Pentacles are also associated with the ego, self-esteem, and self-image, growth and development, nature such as plants and trees and how we can keep the world around us healthy as well as how we can ground ourselves in our life.  In varying decks, pentacles are also known as discs or coins. 


Swords, which represent the element of air, are thought processes and intellect, rationality, knowledge, power, change and masculinity.  As swords can often be double edged, so too does the masculine rational energy of the swords suit present a duality of finding balance between intellect and control.  In varying decks, swords are also known as blades and feathers. 


Wands – The element associated with wands is fire, so wands bring an energy that is hot, wild, unpredictable. It is a primal energy in which we also see mysticism, creativity, resolve, power, insight, ambition and expansion, original ideas, and the seeds through which life springs forth. Fire can bring with it inspiration in creating new things, or it can be destructive, like a destructive forest or house fire. In varying decks, wands are also staves, scepters, or pipes. 

That is a brief overview of the Minor Arcana and each suit.  I will be talking more in depth about the characteristics of each suit in the coming weeks. Next week we are going to start with the Cups suit, with the Ace of Cups.  Thank you for reading and as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading. 


The World Tarot Card 
When The World Tarot Card shows up, it indicates a completion of a cycle of life, success, and joy.  It is one of those cards that is totally positive, even in reverse.  Literally the world is your oyster, and it is time to take a breath and rest in that success for a bit before beginning a new cycle of life.
The World

Action is the normal completion of the act of will which begins as prayer. That action is not always external, but it is always some kind of effective energy

William Inge

Overview and Common meanings of The World Tarot Card

When The World Tarot Card shows up, it indicates a completion of a cycle of life, success, and joy.  It is one of those cards that is totally positive, even in reverse.  Literally the world is your oyster, and it is time to take a breath and rest in that success for a bit before beginning a new cycle of life.  Alternative names in varying decks – The Universe, Completion, Infinity, Fulfillment.

Common Meanings

A card of deep joy; of dreams coming true. In a reading about home matters the manifestation of your dream home.  Relationships are fulfilling and loving, and if you are in a long-term relationship, it can indicate the next phase – marriage, moving in together, starting a family.  Can also indicate that the cycle of this relationship has come to completion.  Be sure to acknowledge the journey you took together and accept that it is time to move on for both of you.  If you are wondering about career/money, it indicates achieving goals, promotions, gifts received.  It can also literally mean world travel. 

The Many Faces of The World  tarot card

The shadow side – or reversal of the World can indicate a readiness to move on, but feeling blocked in some way – self sabotage, imposter syndrome, not feeling deserving of the good. Can also show up when there is a need for closure.  Unmet dreams, delays. May indicate need to evaluate what is and is not working and make some adjustments from there.  In any event, the shadow side of The World is still positive but could indicate that getting what you want is going to take longer than you wish. 

The Journey of The World

This is the final card of the third and final septenary of the Major Arcana, which is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment, of reaching goals.  There is a sense of wholeness and completion that arrives with The World.  You have achieved what you have been working towards.  This is a great time to pause and express gratitude for where your journey has taken you this far; also, a good time to reflect on the lessons learned and vision how you want the next cycle of growth to manifest for you before leaping into the next cycle. 

Description of The World Tarot Card

A female figure dominates the center of the card.  She is clad in a loose purple wrap that covers her hips but leaves her top half naked and flows off, the ends trailing.  Her left knee is bent.  In her hands she carries two wands.  She is surrounded by a Laurel wreath or garland with red twined around in the shape of an X both top and bottom.  The four corners of the card contain an angel, eagle, lion, and bull.

Themes of The World

  • Accomplishment
  • Completion
  • Happy Endings
  • Integration
  • Joy
  • Reward
  • Success
  • Self-Love/Acceptance
  • Wholeness
  • World travel

The Number 21

The number 21 signifies shelter, calm, and tolerance during a transitional period in life, and getting ready to start a new chapter or phase of life. Take some time to celebrate milestones, no matter how big or small.  You are exactly where you need to be at this instant.  life is continually going ahead in a more positive direction.

Elements of the World Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Female figure – the cosmic dancer, one with the universe with one foot on the ground and the other in the air, indicating the necessary combination of physical and dreams
  • Laurel wreath – victory
  • Ribbon – tied in an elliptical representing infinity
  • Wands – balance of opposites – logic and magic or intuition
  • Angel, Bull, Eagle, Lion – the four elements – water, earth, air, fire
  • Purple Wrap- the color of divinity; reminder that we are all connected

Herbs for The World

  • Alfalfa – luck, prosperity, overall good fortune
  • Banyan – luck, success, good marriage
  • Basil – success
  • cinnamon – love, power, and positivism; the strength of love
  • Irish Moss – Improved revenue and overall good luck

Questions that The World tarot card asks us

  • What cycle in your life is coming to and end and how can you honor and celebrate that success and completion?
  • Is it time for you to re-evaluate a goal you have been working towards and determine if it is still something that you want?

That is The World – the attainment of spiritual, material, and emotional success.  It also brings us to the end of our journey through the Major Arcana.  Wishing you a week in which you pause to be in gratitude for your journey thus far and where you are now.  Smell those roses and give thanks. 

Thank you for reading and as always, please reach out with comments, questions, or to request a reading.   Please join me next week with an introduction to the Minor Arcana, and the beginning of that next journey through the Tarot.  I will continue to guide you as your compass on this journey. 

Best wishes –



Tarot Card - Judgement 
The top half of the card is dominated by an angelic winged figure blowing a horn from which hangs a white flag separated into 4 quadrants by a large red cross.  Under him are naked men, women, and children standing in coffins in the shadows and all with arms raised

Overview and Common Meanings of the Judgement Tarot Card

When Judgement shows up, it is often an indication of a crossroads in life and the need to make big decisions that will alter the course of life going forward.  It is important that in making these decisions, you tap into your intuition as well as your intelligence and use the experiences from your past to guide you into a better future.  Alternative names in varying decks – The Angel, Awakening, Fame, Rebirth, Spirit Guide, Time.

To liberate yourself from your own self-judgment is to liberate others from it as well. To love yourself is an act of love for the world.

Vironika Tugaleva

Common Meanings

Let go of your old identity and step into the new form of who you really are.  Judgement is a personal wake up call and take a look at our past actions and determine how we judge ourselves based on them.  This may also take the form of a wake up call in a new relationship with our spiritual beliefs, higher power, God, guides, whatever they may be.  Judgement may also be a call to some form of sacred service.  Judgement is all about how we judge ourselves. When Judgement shows up, it is time to decide about your past because wonderful changes are on the horizon that you can only embrace once you have addressed and resolved all of the past issues.  Have you behaved with integrity and honesty?

Regarding home, when Judgement shows up it could indicate being drawn to an old property or place that holds happy memories, and you will need to decide regarding property soon.  Relationships move into new phases, reconciliation, or even possibly renewing an old relationship.  In career, Judgement almost always indicates that success and financial improvement is pending, but also a draw to something that has more meaning going forward.

The Many Faces of Judgement

The shadow side – or reversal of Judgement indicates Insecurity, not revealing your true self, a need to let go of a dark facet of yourself.  Often times the shadow side of the judgement card indicates that you are not heeding the messages from the universe about your path.  These messages and lessons will keep showing up until you learn them. The shadow side is also a gentle reminder about the negative self-talk and inner critic in all of us, and the need to silence that inner dialog.  You do this not by ignoring it, but rather by facing it squarely and addressing all of these fears and concerns, one by one.  You may  just find that these mountains, are in fact, molehills after all. 

The Journey of Judgement

Remember that we are almost to the end of the third and final septenary of the Major Arcana, which is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment.

We have reached a sanctuary with the sun, but before our journey can be complete, we need to make some decisions and gain some acceptance of our past.

Description of the Judgement Tarot Card

The top half of the card is dominated by an angelic winged figure blowing a horn from which hangs a white flag separated into 4 quadrants by a large red cross.  Under him are naked men, women, and children standing in coffins in the shadows and all with arms raised. 

Themes of Judgement

  • Acceptance
  • Insight
  • Liberation
  • Life altering decisions utilizing a combination of intuition and intelligence
  • Purging of guilt or sadness from past experiences.
  • Redemption
  • Spiritual Emergence
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-forgiveness
  • Transformation
  • Willingness to be transparent and honest about who you are

The Number 20

The core essence of the number 20 is about teamwork and working for greater good.  Paired with the meaning of the Judgement card, it indicates a need to play well with your own past and subconscious and find peace going forward.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Angel – realization and redemption 
  • Horn/Trumpet – the sounding of the trumpet calls upon us to review our past and decide. 
  • Mountain ranges – insurmountable obstacles
  • People (the dead) rising – resurrection and rebirth
  • Red and white flag – unification of opposites; a crossroads in life

Herbs for Judgement

  • Golden Seal – healing success
  • Sunflower – adoration, self-respect, loyalty
  • Tea Tree – Removing uncertainty and improving harmony
  • Tobacco – peace, personal strength, and confidence  
  • Wisteria – Increases vibrations, encourages spiritual opening, conquers difficulties, and attracts success.

Questions that the Judgement Tarot Card asks us

  • Are you at a crossroads in life and have already made the subconscious decision to move in a new direction, and if so, what steps do you need to take to bring that new direction to fruition?
  • Have you taken the time to take a personal inventory of your life up to now and what you can let go of in order to live more aligned with who you are now?

That is the Judgement Tarot card.  Wishing you a week in which you take the steps to bring your highest and best dreams to fruition.  Thank you for reading and as always, please leave comments, or ask questions, or reach out for a reading.  Please join me next week for The World!


19. The Sun Tarot Card
A smiling naked child with opens arms wearing a garland of flowers crowned by a red feather, carries a red banner, while riding a white horse.  Behind is a wall separating him from a field of tall sunflowers. Overlooking the scene is a large sun, lending warmth and light.
The sun

It’s always sunny above the clouds. Always. Every day on earth – every day I have ever had – was secretly sunny, after all.

Caitlin Moran

Overview and common meanings of The Sun Tarot Card

One of the most positive cards in the Major Arcana, The Sun Tarot card indicates success, and improvement in all areas of life – love, health, money, recognition. Just as the sun brings new life springing forth from the soil in spring, the sun card heralds new optimism and life after a time of dormancy or darkness.  Alternate names in varying decks are The Phoenix, The Children, Vitality, Joy.

Common Meanings

The sun indicates balance and harmony between subconscious and conscious. With this energy, we are complete – the perfect marriage of the mystic subconscious to the practical material world.  All is in balance and harmony.  For Home – happiness and contentment, could indicate a child arriving in the home.  Relationships flourish and thrive.  Career recognition and acknowledgement; could indicate an exciting new opportunity or offer if you have been looking to make a change. If you have been struggling, the sun brings a message that things are about to get better in a big way.  It is time to finally exhale and know that everything is going to be alright.  The sun also reconnects us to our own inner power – that authentic higher self-power that we sometimes lose sight of when we are in the weeds, but which is always there waiting for us to reconnect and re-affirm who we are in our deepest self. 

The Many Faces of The Sun 

The shadow side, or reversal can indicate delays, negative mind set, self-doubt, need to tune out negativity and seek inspiration.  The shadow sun may also indicate that you are not in touch with what you can actually achieve and maybe have been over promising.  This leads to overwhelm in all areas, so it is a call to set aside the burdens of your responsibility if only for a little while and recapture that childlike unfettered joy.

The Journey of The Sun

We are still working in the third septenary of the fool’s journey through the Major Arcana, which as you will recall is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment.  It is about transcendence and religious, spiritual, and mystical understanding. After we shattered ego with The Tower, began to see faith, hope, and inspiration with The Star, turned inwards in the uncomfortable lessons about trusting our intuition in a purer way with absence of ego; now we can finally bring all of those lessons out in the warm sunshine as the pieces are starting to fit together and we can harness some of the suns hopeful positivity. 

Description of the sun tarot card

A smiling naked child with opens arms wearing a garland of flowers crowned by a red feather, carries a red banner, while riding a white horse.  Behind is a wall separating him from a field of tall sunflowers. Overlooking the scene is a large sun, lending warmth and light.

Themes of The Sun

  • Abundance
  • Balance between subconscious and conscious
  • Confirmation
  • Fun
  • Inner peace and beauty
  • Inspiration
  • Joy
  • Love
  • Manifestation of hopes and dreams
  • Sanctuary
  • Success
  • Vitality
  • YES

The Number 19

Number 19 signifies the service of humankind, spiritual illumination, insight, self-awareness, uniqueness, endings, and new beginnings.  This number also indicates drive, autonomy, self-sufficiency, discovery, empathy, acceptance, passion, and a potent initiative.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Child – inner child, virtue, and purity.  Nakedness indicates openness; nothing to hide
  • The Sun – Awareness and Joy, self-expression, light after the darkness
  • Sunflowers – evolution, beauty, power, turning always towards the light symbolizes always seeking higher growth and enlightenment in life. 
  • Red banner – momentum and vitality
  • Red feather – Freedom, life force, good fortune
  • Wall/Walled Garden – limitations and safety, protection
  • White horse – vehicle for spirit/physical form

Herbs for The Sun 

  • Basil – success, prosperity and peace, career and business luck.
  • Calendula – uplifting moods, restoring well-being, promotes relaxation
  • Oregano – wealth and money luck
  • Patchouli – calming, attracts lots of luck.
  • Spearmint, love, healing, and insight

Questions that the Sun asks us

  • Have you recently emerged into the sunlight after a “dark night of the soul,” and what insights is the sun shedding on your experience?
  • How can you harness the positivity of the sun in your day-to-day life?

So that is the sun!  Wishing you a week of warmth, insight, and positive revelations.  As always, please leave comments, ask questions, or reach out for a reading.

Thank you for reading and be sure to join me next week for Judgement!


Tarot card 18:  The Moon.  
A combination of sun and moon, eyes closed, overlooks a scene that is anchored by two towers.  In the center of the scene are two dogs, one appearing domesticated and one appearing more wild or fierce.  The two dogs are on either side of a path that leads off in the distance towards the hills.  In the foreground is a body of water, with a crustacean (Lobster, crab, crayfish?) that is just setting foot on the path that leads between the two dogs.
The Moon

The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen

Shannon L. Alder

Overview and Common Meanings of the Moon Tarot Card

When The Moon Tarot card shows up, it is a time to listen to your dreams, intuition, and inner guidance to move forward to a more positive future.  There is always a bit of magic and chaos with the moon energy (think how unsettled you feel on full moon nights) and it can leave you feeling off balance.    It likely indicates that there is an aspect of your life that you are struggling with and not getting a handle on, because you don’t yet have all of the information.  More will be revealed in the fullness of time, but it is important to be patient and let it unfold. Alternative meanings in varying decks are Illusion, Luna, Perception, Werewolf.

Common Meanings

The Moon represents fears and illusions and often shows up when you are projecting fear based on past experience into your future or reacting from a crisis of trust and time of emotional vulnerability.  It is the invitation to lean into those things that scare us and realize that they are not the large monsters that we create in our minds. The moon also is an indication that you are – or need to be – more in touch with your intuitive nature.  If you are focusing on home for the reading, it could indicate disillusionment with current living situation.  In relationships there is a lack of trust leading to new relationship decisions…just be careful that you are not so in love with the idea of love that you are plunging into something that your intuition tells you is not right.  It can also unearth hidden secrets in long term relationships.  For career and money readings, there can be that hollow feeling of goals that you worked so hard to meet are less satisfying than you had expected.  In any event, things in your work environment are not always as they seem, so trust your gut. Be careful of hidden agendas that could impact your finances.

The Many Faces of The Moon

The shadow side – or reversal – of The Moon card can indicate Inner confusion and the need to listen to your own intuition and trust it to guide you.   Avoiding difficult situations or confrontation.  Needs unexpressed so not being met.  Stuck in old emotional patterns that will continue to repeat until you deal with the old trauma.

The Journey of The Moon

We are still working in the third septenary of the fool’s journey through the Major Arcana, which as you will recall is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment.  It is about transcendence and religious, spiritual, and mystical understanding. After we faced our demons with the Devil, shattered ego with The Tower, and began to see faith, hope, and inspiration with The Star, now we turn inwards to trust and listen to our intuition in a purer way with absence of ego; the goal being deeper understanding and enlightenment.

Description of the Moon Tarot Card

A combination of sun and moon, eyes closed, overlooks a scene that is anchored by two towers.  In the center of the scene are two dogs, one appearing domesticated and one appearing more wild or fierce.  The two dogs are on either side of a path that leads off in the distance towards the hills.  In the foreground is a body of water, with a crustacean (Lobster, crab, crayfish?) that is just setting foot on the path that leads between the two dogs. 

Themes of The Moon 

  • Anxiety
  • Crisis
  • Dreams
  • Fears
  • Illusion
  • Restlessness
  • Uncertainty
  • Unconscious/subconscious messages and wisdom
  • Visions

The Number 18

The number 18 represents freedom, philanthropic labor, and creating things that last. This is compassionate and friendly in nature.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Crawfish – primal consciousness striving to surface
  • Sun/Moon – moon is subconscious and governs how we behave in the conscious light of day
  • Towers – watchtowers, boundary between unconscious and conscious
  • Water/Pool – subliminal thinking; the unconscious
  • Winding Path – the unknown future
  • Wolf and dog – fear of the unknown, guardians of experience, rites of passage; duality that lives within all of us – wild, and tame

Herbs for The Moon

  • Frankincense – link to the divine; grounding, calming; used in spiritual practices for thousands of years
  • Poppy – fertility, psychic awareness, prophetic dreams, and spirituality.
  • Sandalwood – Inner consciousness, meditation, spiritual practice, prayer, peace
  • Star Anise – burn as incense to tap into spiritual awareness
  • White willow – divination, interpreting dreams; calming frights and worries. 

Questions that The Moon asks us

  • How have you been ignoring your inner voice, and what can you do to remedy that?
  • How can you tap into your intuition and see beyond the obvious in your life?

So that is the Moon Tarot card; a little intuitive and a little chaotic.  Wishing you a week in which you find a time to channel the moon’s watery intuition.  As always, please leave comments, ask questions, or reach out for a personal reading.  Please Join me next week for The Sun!


Tarot Card - 17. The Star
A naked female, with flowing golden hair kneels, one foot on land, and one in the water, pouring water out of two vessels.  One is poured into the water, and one onto the land.  Above her head are eight, 8-pointed stars, one of them a larger guiding star.   Behind her is a tree with a bird perched in its branches. 
The Star

Each star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you.


Overview and Common Meanings of The Star Tarot Card

The Star Tarot card is a wholly positive card and its arrival in a reading assures us that we will find what we seek, while also reminding us to look within for answers.  This is an opportunity to confront and overcome any limiting beliefs within yourself and trust that you are blessed and entering a time of hope and peace.  Alternative names in varying decks are Peace, Healing, Hope.

Common Meanings

When The Star shows up, you are choosing the highest and best version of yourself.  The star indicates inspiration to create beauty and style in your home.  In relationships it indicates that you are destined to be with someone who is your soul mate; you have done the work and know what you want in your life and are able to be what you wish to attract.  In money/career the star indicates that you are bringing your genuine self to work, and success and luck are sure to follow.  The spirituality message is about connection and knowledge that blessings are yours.  In health, it is time to seek healing from within, for the mind truly does have power to heal.  The star is here to tell you to be inspired.  Dreams come true.

The Many Faces of The Star

The shadow side – or reverse presentation- of this card can indicate lack of Faith, despair, and disconnection. In any event it is a call to examine why you have lost faith and if it is true that things are as hopeless as you think.  Sometimes you just need to take the time to discover what the lesson is that the universe is trying to teach you, to learn the lesson, and realize the blessings that come from the challenging times.   

The Journey of The Star

The third card in the arc of the final septenary, which as you will recall is about is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment.  This final septenary begins with the facing of one’s demons with The Devil, continues with the destruction of ego that accompanies The Tower, and finally we see reprieve with the hope and peace that herald the arrival of The Star.

Description of the Star Tarot Card

A naked female, with flowing golden hair kneels, one foot on land, and one in the water, pouring water out of two vessels.  One is poured into the water, and one onto the land.  Above her head are eight, 8-pointed stars, one of them a larger guiding star.   Behind her is a tree with a bird perched in its branches. 

Themes of The Star

  • Cleansing
  • Creativity
  • Dream Big
  • Faith
  • Guidance
  • Healing
  • Hope
  • Inspiration
  • Purpose
  • Renewal
  • Trust

The Number 17

The Number 17 indicates that It’s time to let go of limiting beliefs, negative feelings, or old fears that continue to keep you trapped and perpetuating patterns that are not for your highest good. This could also mean that it is time to let go of a toxic person or relationship that is preventing you from living your best life and finding true love and happiness.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • 8 stars/Guiding Star – 8 points symbolize renewal; the guiding star represents guidance and a light in the darkness.
  • The Maiden – hope and purity, eternal youth
  • The Bird – Dove of peace
  • Flowing water – water of life, resourcefulness, and healing; nourishing the land while replenishing the water. 
  • Vessel pouring water from left hand –consciousness, nourishing, and replenishing cycle of fertility
  • Vessel pouring from right hand – sub-consciousness, the dream state, return to the vast watery pool of collective consciousness

Herbs for The Star

  • Eyebright – Boost psychic capability, promote positive outlook and wisdom.
  • Heliotrope – Cheerfulness, gaiety, prosperity, and protection
  • Hyacinth – Supports peace of mind and calm sleep. Draws love, and luck
  • Kava kava – stimulates dreams; celestial effort; protection.
  • Lemon Balm – calming and promoting trust, psychic/spiritual development.

Questions that the Star Tarot card asks us

  • What does your life look like in your deepest dreams?

Have you lost faith in a situation, dream, or hope that you once held so closely, and if so, is there a lesson that will help you to course correct in order to see that dream realized?

That is the Star Card – a reminder that we are all made up of the atoms that create stars, and an encouragement to tap into that inner wisdom.  Wishing you a week of doing just that.  Thank you for reading and. As always, please reach out with questions or comments or if you are called to schedule a reading.   Be sure to join me next week for The Moon!


Tarot card - 16. The Tower 
Perched atop a rocky crag is a tower, flames spouting from its windows, and its roof – shaped like a crown, being blown off by a mighty lightning bolt that culminates in an arrow.  Falling from the tower are two figures, one with long blue robes and wearing a crown or a jester’s hat, and one with a trailing red cloak.  The background of the card is dark and there are storm clouds and golden drops of fire scattered throughout. 
The Tower

Overview and common meanings of The Tower Tarot card

When The Tower Tarot card shows up, it is an indication of major changes, and it is here to tell you that these changes are coming regardless, so you may as well surrender and let them happen, as fighting them is futile.  Alternative names, in varying decks are Thunderbolt, House of God, Fate, The Lightning, Chaos.

It is in the turmoil of chaos that we discover what, if anything, we are.

Orson Scott Card

Common Meanings

The Tower card urges us to let the necessary shifts happen so you can rebuild and refocus.  When changes happen on this deep level, you have to trust that it is so that your soul can evolve to a higher plane of existence.  The insights you gain during this time are invaluable.  Although often the more challenging path, truth and integrity are vital while navigating these changes – both with yourself and with others. The Tower often shows up when you are resisting taking the steps to make the changes you know you need to make.  Honestly, this is something that you knew you had to let go of in order to build something better. Sometimes we need The Tower to show us how to make the changes we know we need to make. 

This is a required phase of collapse and restoration so our horizons can expand into something better.  You may be called to release an ideal, a dream, a relationship, or an organization, and it is often brought about by external forces.   This is all about letting go; as those walls of the metaphorical tower come crashing down, often with a big dramatic explosion, you can see, in that moment of destruction, what you have created and how it protected you.  This clarity enables you to have deep insight into how you want your future to look, and what you want to build to create that, and how you can make the foundation solid in the rebuilding of your own personal tower. 

Ways in which The Tower can manifest in various areas of your life are abrupt changes in your home life, delays in building, secrets in relationships coming to light and rocking your world, changes in business resulting in necessary restructuring to adapt.  When the dust settles from the shake up, The Tower offers you a way of living that is more aligned with your heart and mind; the things that the tower brings down are always things that needed to go anyway:  detrimental influences, bad living situations, jobs with no potential, harmful lifestyle choices.

The Many Faces of The Tower

The shadow side – or reversal – indicates taking responsibility for things that are not yours and also indicates attachments to situations – work, relationships, habits, out of fear, and not because they are right for you.  It can indicate that life is feeling humdrum and boring.  The shadow side can also show up to show that you are instigating the changes in your life, rather than life forcing them upon you.   

The Journey of The Tower

The Tower is the second card in the third and final septenary of the Major Arcana, which you may recall is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment.  Last week we saw the beginning of the journey with the facing of one’s demons.  The Tower continues that journey as the metaphorical tower of what we had held as our truth in life is burned to the ground to make way for what will be.   It is the literal and symbolic clearing of the decks, burning the weeds, spring cleaning your life, so that you may continue on your journey towards attaining spiritual enlightenment.

Description of The Tower card

Perched atop a rocky crag is a tower, flames spouting from its windows, and its roof – shaped like a crown, being blown off by a mighty lightning bolt that culminates in an arrow.  Falling from the tower are two figures, one with long blue robes and wearing a crown or a jester’s hat, and one with a trailing red cloak.  The background of the card is dark and there are storm clouds and golden drops of fire scattered throughout. 

Themes of The Tower Tarot Card

  • Breaking free from old patterns, relationships, habits
  • Fall from grace
  • Fate
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Sudden Change
  • Surrender
  • Turmoil

The Number 16

Destiny depends on beliefs and behaviors. It is vital that thinking is positive and confident about all the numerous facets of life. Self-analysis to comprehend wisdom; it has a talent for research, important to balance and honor both the spiritual and analytical.

Elements of the Tower Card and Associated Symbolism

  • The Tower – society, protection, habit, ego
  • The falling people – humankind at the mercy of the forces of nature, or god if you will.
  • Fire – change, rebirth, purification
  • Golden droplets – rain of fire,
  • Lightning bolt – illumination, awakening, clarity, purification
  • Falling crown – ego and authority toppled by nature, a more powerful force.

Herbs for The Tower

  • Heather – Protection, luck
  • Honeysuckle – Aids persuasiveness and confidence, sharpens intuition.
  • Lemon – Cleansing, spiritual opening, purification, and removal of blockages.
  • Lotus Root – clarity in times of chaos
  • Yarrow – support when struggling with overwhelming problems, to reinforce courage and assurance that daylight will come again.

Questions that The Tower asks us

  • What in your life needs to crash and burn so that you can build something better?
  • Are you resisting making the changes you know you need to make, and if so, are you ready for the chaotic energy of The Tower to bring dramatic change?

That is The Tower, not really so scary when you are honest with yourself about the necessary major changes your life needs in order to thrive.  Wishing you a week in which you embrace those changes! Please leave comments, ask questions, or reach out for a reading.

Thank you for reading and please join me next week for The Star!


Tarot Cards - 15. The Devil
The Devil

We all have inner demons to fight, we call these demons, fear and hatred and anger. If you do not conquer them then a life of one hundred years is a tragedy. If you do, then a life of a single day can be a triumph.

Yip Man

Overview and Common Meanings of The Devil Tarot Card

The devil card often appears when you feel that you are trapped and controlled by the darker influences in your life – unhealthy relationships, addictions, etc., and serves as a reminder that you are only as stuck as you believe, and that you do have the power to overcome.  To break free is to acknowledge the hold these bad situations have over you and how that is impacting your life in a negative way.  For it is only by holding this up to the bright light of truth that you will be able to break free and move into a healthier place.  

Alternative names in varying tarot decks are Pan, Temptation, Demon, Torment, Shadow, Conditioning.

Common Meanings

You may be feeling trapped by a situation or relationship that was once pleasurable but has reversed and is no longer healthy.  When the devil shows up, you are seeing the reality of the situation for what it is.  This could manifest in many ways:  At home – living with domineering people or a toxic landlord, difficult relationships, unhealthy situations, affairs, financial dependence keeping you tied to the past, or in an untenable work situation.   

Another side of the devil is sexual, and it may indicate that you are ready to experiment sexually.  The devil reminds us to not let that experimentation dip into the dangerous waters of obsession.  Like last week’s card of temperance, moderation in all is called for.

The Many Faces of The Devil

Since the upright presentation of this card represents your shadow side, the shadow side – or reversal – of the devil indicates that while you are feeling trapped, you can see that things are not as bad as you thought, and you are not as stuck as you have come to believe. Cycles of ill health, addiction, and feeling trapped are starting to ease. This is an indication that you need to deal with and let go of these old patterns and situations in order to move to the newer and better life you envision.  You must face the dark places before you can reach for the light.  Even the dark places where you hide secret shame.  Now is the moment to make your change!

The Journey of The Devil

The Devil is the first card of the third and final septenary of the Major Arcana, which is about the spiritual world and attainment of enlightenment.  This final septenary begins with the facing of one’s demons (the devil), for it is only through facing and conquering them that you can complete your spiritual journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

Description of the Devil tarot card

A red winged and horned figure, top that of a man, bottom that of a goat ending in feet like bird talons sits perched like a bird upon a black stone plinth with a heavy ring in its center.  His left hand is downward and carries a flaming torch, and his right is upwards, the first two fingers together and the last two together to form a V.  Above his head is a pentagram upside down.  At his feet, chained loosely about the neck by the same chain that passes through the ring on the plinth, are two nude figures – a male and a female.  Both have fiery hair and horns and tails.  The man’s tail is fire, and the woman’s tail is a bunch of grapes, which her hand reaches towards. The background of the card is black, and the overall feeling is ominous. 

Themes of the devil

  • Addiction
  • Dark nature
  • Destructive Patterns
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Feeling trapped
  • Negative thinking
  • Restriction
  • Sexuality
  • Soul searching
  • Toxic Environments – external or internal

The Number 15

Concepts and beliefs are urging you to make some much needed alterations in your life. It is time to make more positive life choices.  The long-term results will be of great assistance to you and others. Remove old restraints and constraints and make room for new and better in your life. 

Elements of the Devil Card and Associated Symbolism

  • The Devil – inner or outer repression; base impulses rather than higher self
  • The Tails – lower instincts in our life; the woman’s tail ends in fruit, indicating temptation, the mans forked fiery tale indicates corruption.
  • Chains – the chains that bind us, control, dependency, material and emotional habits that feel like change, but are in the end not necessary. 
  • The torch – the power of enlightenment, here held by the devil – controlling the power of knowledge.
  • Inverted Pentagram – cruelty and dark influences

Herbs for The Devil

  • Black Pepper – Banishing negativity, exorcism, protection from evil
  • Blessed Thistle – Purification, protection against negativity and evil
  • Blue Cohosh – love breaking and driving away evil.
  • Chrysanthemum – Defense, ward off malevolent forces.
  • St John’s Wort – works like an anti-depressant and helps with compulsion

Questions that the Devil tarot card asks us

  • What traps have you created in your life – marriage, job, relationships, addictions – that you know are not good for you, and how can you take steps to free yourself from these traps?
  • Are you afraid to take the steps to move in a new direction, because the “devil you know is more” is more familiar, and if so, how is that working out for you?

That is the Devil of the Tarot, a call to wrestle those inner demons to the ground and finally break free to live the life you imagine.  Wishing you a week in which you take steps to do just that, and in which you acknowledge even the smallest move in that direction. 

Thank you for reading and as always, please leave comments, ask questions, or contact me for a personal reading.

Please Join me next week for The Tower!


Tarot cards Number 14, Temperance.  
An angel, wings outspread, stands at the edge of a body of water, one foot in, one out. Around the pool grow yellow irises. In his hands he is pouring from one chalice into the other.  The center of his forehead Has a symbol, a circle with a dot in the middle, and his head is surrounded by a nimbus of light. At the center of his chest, is a square containing a triangle within.  A path meanders away from the water in the direction of two mountains with a sun rising in the middle

Overview and common meanings of The Temperance Tarot Card

Temperance is about balance and harmony, about not choosing either extreme, but rather finding a way to blend both to create your own unique solutions. Temperance is also a sign that you are connecting with higher forces, the divine – or angels, if you will.  You have a clear, long-term vision for what you want to achieve, and are determined to take the balanced approach in order to see this come to fruition.  Alternative names in various decks – Art, Integration, Balance, Harmony, The Weaver.

The Middle path is the way to wisdom


Common Meanings

When Temperance shows up, it is a good reminder to pay attention to help that will come from unexpected directions and in unusual ways, such as advice from a friend or even strangers that have been put in your path to help you through this time.  It is a good time to drop in and listen to your inner voice and the guidance that can be found there. It may herald the beginning of a sacred voyage of your own.  In regard to home, temperance says that you have the balance to succeed in all aspects.  In Love/relationships it can show new depths of faith in each other, and that the synergy in your existing relationship works well.  If you are seeking a relationship, it can indicate that you are ready for one that has the potential for marriage and long-term commitment. Stay true to this vision and trust that the right person will show up at the right time.  In a career situation it cautions to be diplomatic and pay attention to income and expenses.  As always, the middle way is the best way. 

The Many Faces of Temperance

You know that feeling in January after the excess of the holidays?  I often joke that is the one time of the year that I crave kale salad.  That is temperance showing up and gently warning you that you have created an Imbalance and the need to find that balance again through diet, exercise, spiritual practice, etc.  Other things to pay attention to with the shadow side of temperance:  feelings of unfairness, feeling like you are putting in more than you are receiving in many areas.  In any event, the shadow side of temperance Indicates a need for self-healing in order to progress.

The Journey of Temperance

The final card of the second septenary, which as you will recall is about social and moral understandings; and the separation of the ego and transformation of the Self toward spiritual equilibrium. We saw a death of the old with last weeks card, death, and now we are seeing abstract ideas becoming reality.  This is actual behavior, not conceptual, and is the integration of the balance and wisdom regained after tearing the world down in death. The energy of life after ego’s death.


An angel, wings outspread, stands at the edge of a body of water, one foot in, one out. Around the pool grow yellow irises. In his hands he is pouring from one chalice into the other.  The center of his forehead Has a symbol, a circle with a dot in the middle, and his head is surrounded by a nimbus of light. At the center of his chest, is a square containing a triangle within.  A path meanders away from the water in the direction of two mountains with a sun rising in the middle.

Themes of Temperance

  • Balance
  • Cooperation
  • Duality
  • Equilibrium
  • Patience
  • Purpose
  • Yin/Yang
  • The middle path that Buddha strove for on his quest for enlightenment

The Number 14

Double of the prime number 7, the number of creation, the number 14 is an indication of the need to find that balance in life, so as not to overindulge, overspend, or become codependent.  The need expressed in the number 14 is that of the card it represents – temperance.

Elements of the temperance Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Angel – archangel Michael, protector to help facilitate moving past fear and letting go of the past. 
  • One foot in water, one out – needing to be in the flow while staying grounded
  • Chalices – one for past, one for present.  The water flowing between them is symbolic of how we blend past and the present experiences together to create our future. 
  • Circle with dot in center – sun symbol, spiritual enlightenment
  • Square with triangle – masculine energy (square) integrating with and protecting feminine energy (triangle)
  • Pool of water – purification and rejuvenation, emotions, and unconscious mind
  • Irises – Hope
  • Path – the meandering path that life takes us on
  • Mountains and sun – new dawn of hope after period of stress

Herbs for Temperance   

  • Agrimony – conquering anxiety and adverse obstacles
  • Angelica – promotes temperance; strengthens one’s connection with the physical world by bringing balance to the spirit
  • Chervil – inner wisdom, connecting with the divine
  • Cinquefoil – Balance; The five points of the leaf represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom
  • Foxglove – protection and vision
  • Valerian – clarity of dreams, reconciliation, love, and harmony

Questions that Temperance asks us

  • What area of your life is out of balance and into extreme, and how can you bring it back to center?
  • What does temperance mean for you, in finding that way to blend two extremes into something that is uniquely yours?

That is Temperance!  Wishing you a week in which the wisdom of the middle path manifests in large and small ways.  Please leave comments, or ask questions, and join me next week for:  The Devil!


Tarot cards Death
A figure in black armor, face that of a skeleton, rides a white horse with glowing red eyes. A red feather wilts from the peak of his helm. The chest stall of the horse is decorated with skull and crossbones. In his left hand is a black standard bearing the image of a white flower and five ears of corn, or wheat.  There is a king lying dead beneath the hooves of his horse, his crown fallen to the ground, and his scepter lying next to him.  The land is barren, there is a tiny ship on the seas in the distance.  On the ground is a baby in blue, and a maiden in white, both kneeling in supplication.  At the head of the horse stands a pope, hands clasped in prayer, with dark shadows stretching out from him.  In the distance we see two towers, with the sun setting or rising between them
Death Tarot Card

Overview and common meanings of The Death Tarot Card

The Death card is about rebirth; of eliminating the dead weight of old habits that no longer serve us; of letting go of relationships that no longer fit into who we are; of releasing old belief systems that are keeping us from living our best life.  This is, to many, the scariest card in the Tarot deck.  People immediately think that they, or a loved one will die.  This is rarely the case.  This card is about the little deaths in our life that enable us to transition to newer and better things.  Try to let it happen and remember that swift change brings new beginnings.

Other names in alternating decks are Transformation, Transition, Liberation.

When you are transitioning to a new season of life, the people and situations that no longer fit you will fall away.

Mandy Hale

Common Meanings

The Death Tarot card, which almost always indicates the death of one thing so that another can begin, rarely comes as a true surprise.  You knew, even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself that the thing, relationship, season of life, was over.  It is perfectly acceptable to mourn the ending of something, even as you are looking forward with great joy and eagerness to the beginning of something new. This is the card of endings and beginnings, often both at once; fast and deep transformation.  Rebirth is what it is all about.  It could mean that the place you are living no longer meets your needs and you need to find a new home.  It could indicate that new circumstances may offer an opportunity to relocate. The death card can speak to your current job situation – that change is coming there, and, like all change, it might be scary and feel unstable for a time.  It can also be the ending or a necessary time apart in a friendship or relationship.  Sometimes this is temporary, unless these have run their course and they no longer fit into the life you see for yourself going forward. Try to remember that it is natural and normal to grieve all endings, while keeping in mind that in every ending is a beginning, and that something better is waiting for you just over the horizon. 

The Many Faces of Death

The shadow side, or reversal of death is often the same as the upright meanings.  It can be an indication of fear of transformation, grieving loss, figurative deaths, sentimental attachments that outlive the reality of the situation.  This is one of those cards where both the upright and the reversal or shadow side tell you to embrace the change that is inevitable, but also that it is ok to grieve what you are leaving behind.  That knot of fear in your stomach while you are also deeply excited:  its perfectly natural and normal.

The Journey of Death in the Tarot

We are coming very close to the end of the second septenary, which as you will recall is about social and moral understandings, the separation of the ego and transformation of the Self toward spiritual equilibrium. This kind of true transformation can only truly take place when a death occurs – a death of who you were as you transform into who you are becoming. 


A figure in black armor, face that of a skeleton, rides a white horse with glowing red eyes. A red feather wilts from the peak of his helm. The chest stall of the horse is decorated with skull and crossbones. In his left hand is a black standard bearing the image of a white flower and five ears of corn, or wheat.  There is a king lying dead beneath the hooves of his horse, his crown fallen to the ground, and his scepter lying next to him.  The land is barren, there is a tiny ship on the seas in the distance.  On the ground is a baby in blue, and a maiden in white, both kneeling in supplication.  At the head of the horse stands a pope, hands clasped in prayer, with dark shadows stretching out from him.  In the distance we see two towers, with the sun setting or rising between them. 

Themes of Death

  • Transformation
  • Endings
  • Rebirth
  • Transition
  • Change
  • New cycles
  • Awakening
  • End of an era
  • Letting go

The Number 13

The number 13 brings the assessment, the agony, and the loss. It symbolizes the end to the issue or to the ego and alignment with the spiritual. 

Elements of the Death Card and Associated Symbolism

  • The skeleton- what survives after life has left.
  • The standard – black with a white rose, symbolizing renewal, and the corn or wheat, the harvest.  The message being that death takes his harvest of souls and leaves the grain, or the truth, behind. 
  • Black Armor – black is about endings
  • Pale horse – representative of the four horsemen of the apocalypse
  • Wilted Red feather – life force ebbing
  • Maiden looking away– fear of the death of innocence
  • Child – innocence and unafraid
  • Pope – Piety in the face of uncertainty; faith
  • Dead king – death, or endings, does not spare those of high caste; like justice, it is blind to all.
  • Ship – represents the ship carrying souls across the river Styx
  • Two towers, or city gates – Traditionally, the dead were buried outside of the city.  The city gates can also be seen as the gates to heaven.  The symbolism here is about stepping outside of your own fortress and exposing yourself to the elements so that you can be born anew into whatever comes next.
  • Sun rising or setting – the perpetual cycle of death and rebirth

Herbs for The Death Card

  • Hawthorn – protection and openness
  • Linden – calming heart tonic; protective, comforting, through times of grief
  • Milky Oat tops – nourishment and calm.  Helps overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control when life is throwing transformation at you fast and hard.
  • Mimosa – Sadness, loss, heartache, grief. 
  • Sage – wisdom; esteem; resolving spiritual issues; to feel more linked with day-to-day existence, i.e., grasping and allowing reality to be what it is, rather than what we wish it were.

Questions that the Death Tarot card asks us

  • What in my life needs to “die” in order for me to live my very best life?
  • What areas of my life that I once thought long dead, are experiencing a rebirth?

Thank you for reading.  Wishing you a week in which you accept with grace the endings that are taking place in your life and look eagerly to the new beginnings that spring from every ending. It Please leave comments or ask questions, and join me next week for Temperance!

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