Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance
Morgan Freeman
Overview and Meaning of The Hanged Man Tarot card
The Hanged Man often shows up in a reading when we are feeling stuck (or just needing to sit still) and is a call to look at things from a new perspective and work on getting freed. Sometimes you can’t go through but must look at ways of going over or around. This is the card of the ultimate surrender, telling you to take your hands off the wheel and just pause. Alternative names in various decks: The traitor, Vision Quest, Sundance.
Common Meanings of The Hanged Man
If you are paying attention to your inner wisdom, you know when these times of feeling stuck arise and you can allow that pause to take place. If, however, you are not in alignment with your inner voice, the universe may put you in a holding pattern for now. This can show up in the form of a health or financial issue. Pay attention to this and realize that this is a tactic to slow you down and make you look at your own inner landscape. When it is time to hit the gas and start moving again, the universe will let you know! The important piece of going into this holding pattern is that it is your opportunity to assess your life and to do so with the idea of change. What is working and what is not? This is an opportunity for you to see things in a whole new way, and even to shift focus and direction. Sometimes the Hanged Man just shows up to remind you to meditate! In our society, we are so hardwired to move, change, make things happen. The Hanged man shows up to tell you to take that pause, breathe, be quiet and let the things that need to happen, happen. The pause that brings the Hanged man is a blessing; the change that occurs from sitting still for a minute is a blessing. Life is a blessing.
The Many Faces of the Tarot Card the Hanged Man
The shadow – or reversal – side of the hanged man can show up to indicate that you are experiencing Inertia, self-sabotage, and could be holding onto things that aren’t for you. It is important in this time to take an objective look at what this means for you personally. Just because you want something, doesn’t mean that it is for you.
The Journey of The Hanged Man
We are drawing close to the end of the second septenary of the Major Arcana, which you may recall is about social and moral understandings; the separation of the ego and transformation of the Self toward spiritual equilibrium. The Hanged man is the call for our protagonist (The Fool) to pause and go inwards for the lessons already learned and those still to come in that journey towards the death of ego and self.
Description of The Hanged Man Tarot Card
Hanging upside down on a T shaped tree, is a man wearing a blue shirt and red pants. His hands are on his hips and his right leg is cocked and folded under the left, creating a triangle. Although hanging, if you were to turn the card upside down, he appears to be very much at ease. Surrounding his head is a halo, nimbus, or sun.
Themes of The Hanged Man
- Surrendering to the will of the cosmos (let go and let God)
- Enlightenment
- Intentional pause
- Spiritual teachings
- Realigning with your soul purpose
- Meditation
The Number 12
Just as the Hanged Man is about holding where you are, the number 12 is here to remind us to stay positive about the future, as you are likely on the threshold of some encouraging changes soon.
Elements of the Hanged Man Card and Associated Symbolism
- Tree – represents the tree of life, alive with possibility
- T-shaped cross – represents the cross upon which Christ was crucified
- Left leg bent – an early Christian symbol fylfot cross
- Halo – enlightenment
- Hanging upside down –a different perspective
- Red pants – human passions
- Blue top – knowledge, learning, wisdom
Herbs for The Hanged Man
- Chamomile – soothing and calming
- Danshen – alleviate anger and aggression
- Gotu Kola – stimulates the crown chakra and balances brain hemispheres, helps with stress.
- Hawthorn – healing the heart
- Kava – anxiety relief, good for accepting where you are
Questions that the Hanged Man Asks Us
- If you were to consciously choose to be the Hanged Man and take a big pause from the world, relationship, job, etc., how would that look for you?
- Are you holding on to situations, people, habits that are not yours, and if so, why and how can you learn to release and surrender to what is rather than what you want?
That is the Hanged Man! Wishing you a week filled with acceptance and peace when faced with any seeming lack of momentum. Remember that wisdom is often gained in the times when it appears that you are standing still. Thank you for reading. Please leave comments or ask questions.
Please join me next week for: Death!
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