
Your compass navigating the tarot


In the courtyard of a secure stone castle, is a king.  He is seated on a throne decorated with bull’s heads, and wearing garments adorned with grapevines laden with clusters of grapes, and a red cowl.  A chain mail clad foot peeks out of the robes and rests on the head of a boar.  His crown bears lilies and roses.  He appears to be at peace in his surroundings.  In his right hand he holds a scepter with a globe at the top, and in the left, resting on his knee is a large coin or pentacle.  We see live grapevines around the throne, echoing the motif of his robes.  The sky is yellow.
The King of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles represents a figure of financial mastery, stability, and worldly success.  Seated on a throne adorned with vines and grapes, the king signifies prosperity and abundance gained from being deeply grounded in physical, earthly matters.   Holding a golden coin, he symbolizes material wealth and the disciplined approach required to attain it.  This card suggests that through hard work, practicality, and a keen understanding of financial matters, one can achieve a position of authority and enjoy the fruits of labor.  The King of Pentacles encourages a focus on long-term goals, responsible stewardship, and the wise management of resources to build a solid foundation for lasting success in the material realm.

Some alternate names in various decks are King of Earth, Chief of Shields. 

The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds. If you merely stroll through the garden, you are but an acolyte.

Vera Nazarian

Common Meanings

 In a career or money related reading, the King of Pentacles is an indication that either you have achieved the pinnacle of wealth and knowledge and can now pass that wisdom on to those who are still working towards what you have gained.  It can also be indicative of a strong mentor who can help you to achieve your goals towards career, self-employment, or material security. 

In the realm of relationships, the King of Pentacles suggests a partner who embodies stability, reliability, and commitment. If you are single, this card may indicate that you are attracting or seeking a person with a strong sense of responsibility and a solid foundation in life. For those already in a long-term relationship, the King of Pentacles encourages you to appreciate and nurture the practical and supportive aspects of your partnership, focusing on building a secure and enduring connection.

The Many Faces of the King of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal- of the King of Pentacles suggests a potential imbalance in financial matters and a lack of practicality or stability. It may indicate a person who is overly focused on material success, possibly to the detriment of other important aspects of life. There could be issues with greed, stubbornness, or a reluctance to adapt to change. In business or financial endeavors, it advises caution and a reassessment of strategies to avoid potential setbacks. Additionally, it may signify a need to prioritize personal well-being and relationships over the relentless pursuit of wealth or status.


In the courtyard of a secure stone castle, is a king.  He is seated on a throne decorated with bull’s heads, and wearing garments adorned with grapevines laden with clusters of grapes, and a red cowl.  A chain mail clad foot peeks out of the robes and rests on the head of a boar.  His crown bears lilies and roses.  He appears to be at peace in his surroundings.  In his right hand he holds a scepter with a globe at the top, and in the left, resting on his knee is a large coin or pentacle.  We see live grapevines around the throne, echoing the motif of his robes.  The sky is yellow.

Themes of The King of Pentacles

  • Ambitions achieved.
  • Capable
  • Self-assured and strong leader
  • Established
  • Long term goals
  • Material prosperity
  • Patience and fortitude
  • Personal development
  • Responsible stewardship
  • Rooted in the earth, grounded.
  • Secure
  • Wealth and achievement

Court Cards – Kings

Kings in any suit represent father, guardian, guru, leader, minister, patriarch, shaman, teacher.  Generally, they are people you already know or will know soon.  In the suit of pentacles, also known as discs or coins, The King is about money, prosperity, and practicality in order to insure a secure life. 

 Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Armored foot and leg – A warrior who has fought and worked hard for his station in life.
  • Coin or Pentacle – material impact
  • Four Bulls on the throne – mastery of the four elements with emphasis on being grounded in the material, earthly things.
  • Grape vines and leaves – careful planning and nurturing of goals like a garden for long term abundance, success, and fruitfulness. 
  • Red cowl – vitality and the material world, active working for success
  • Scepter – symbol of authority
  • Stone castle – long term security that will weather the elements.
  • Yellow sky – vitality, hopefulness, optimism manifestation, energy, inspiration, and innovation.

Herbs for The King of Pentacles

  • Balmony -Steadfastness, patience, and perseverance
  • Cinnamon – success, prosperity, clarity
  • Grape – mental clarity; prosperity
  • Parsley – victory, knowledge
  • Sage – wisdom, esteem

Questions that the King of Pentacles asks us

  •  Am I making wise and savvy decisions about my financial future, or is there a mentor around me who can help advise me?
  • Am I being overly stubborn and refusing to take the steps to attain financial responsibility?

That is the King of Pentacles:  Achieving material success through careful and diligent stewardship of resources.  What better way to start the new year right?  Thank you for reading, and as always please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading.  Please join me next week for an introduction to the Suit of Swords!


A queen wearing a crown with a winged goat on its crest sits on a stone throne surrounded by a bower of climbing red roses near a flowing stream.  There are flowers at her feet and in the distance, we see blue mountains.  The throne is carved with angels, fruit, and on the front of one arm is a carving of a goat’s head.  Her underdress is white, and over dress red, and she wears a flowing green cloak.  She gazes peacefully at a large pentacle (coin) in her lap.  The sky is yellow.  A rabbit is in the foreground in the bottom right-hand corner of the card.
The Queen of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles represents a nurturing and practical woman; a mother.  She is often associated with stability, abundance, and a strong connection to the material world.  This card signifies a person who is grounded, resourceful, and takes a caring approach to their responsibilities.  The Queen of Pentacles is a symbol of prosperity and a reminder to balance practicality with compassion in one’s life.

Alternate names in varying decks are comfort, prosperity, mother of the earth, matriarch of shields, and The Queen of the Thrones of Earth..

Success is not just making money.  Success is happiness.  Success is fulfillment; it’s the ability to give

Adam Neumann

Common Meanings

The Queen of Pentacles always reminds us that prosperity is a state of mind – equally as important as actual monetary wealth.

In a career or money related reading, the Queen of Pentacles is a strong and supporting authority in the workplace.  For established careers, the emphasis is on practicality, financial stability, and a nurturing approach to leadership.  It suggests that your current job or business is flourishing, and you have the ability to manage resources effectively. 

If you’re seeking new employment, this card encourages you to approach opportunities with a grounded and reliable demeanor, emphasizing your practical skills and commitment.  In terms of money, it signifies financial security and wise financial choices, advising you to manage your resources carefully and make investments with a long-term perspective.

A love and relationship reading for those in established relationships, indicates a strong focus on practical care, stability, and a deep connection with your partner.  It’s a reminder to nurture the relationship and create a secure, harmonious environment.  If you’re seeking a new love, this is a good sign to approach potential partners with a down-to-earth attitude, prioritizing stability, and reliability.  It suggests that a potential partner may be financially stable and a good provider.  Overall, this card emphasizes the importance of practicality and nurturing in matters of the heart.

The Many Faces of the Queen of Pentacles  

The shadow side – or reversal- of the Queen of Pentacles suggests a potential imbalance in nurturing and practicality.  It may indicate a need to reevaluate your priorities in both career and personal life, as there might be neglect of practical matters or an overemphasis on materialism.  It’s a reminder to restore balance and focus on self-care and grounded decision-making.


A queen wearing a crown with a winged goat on its crest sits on a stone throne surrounded by a bower of climbing red roses near a flowing stream.  There are flowers at her feet and in the distance, we see blue mountains.  The throne is carved with angels, fruit, and on the front of one arm is a carving of a goat’s head.  Her under dress is white, and over dress red, and she wears a flowing green cloak.  She gazes peacefully at a large pentacle (coin) in her lap.  The sky is yellow.  A rabbit is in the foreground in the bottom right-hand corner of the card. 

Themes of The Queen of Pentacles

  • Nurturing healer
  • Creature comforts
  • Financial security/provider
  • Down-to-earth
  • Gratitude
  • Nurturing
  • Practicality
  • Self-care
  • Shrewdness

Queens in Tarot

Queens are representative of nurturing, matriarchal energy and can be a guide or a mentor.  Oftentimes we see queens as people already in your life or about to come into your life.  In the suit of Pentacles, which is grounded in earthly, material things, the Queen of Pentacles is a reminder to stay rooted in practicality and that wealth and abundance are about more than just money.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Crown with winged goat – success in practical, material matters.
  • Green cloak – connection to the natural, material, physical world
  • Carved Stone throne – symbols of material success, long life, and sensual pleasure firmly rooted in the physical world. 
  • Goats head on throne – practical and wise astrological sign of Capricorn
  • Red dress – passion and enthusiasm
  • Red Roses – vitality, courage, passion
  • Stream – emotional depth, when paired with the earth it suggests one who has emotions but is not ruled by them.   
  • White under gown – purity of purpose
  • Wild hare – fertility, rejuvenation, and fortunate opportunities.
  • Yellow sky – vitality, hopefulness, optimism manifestation, energy, inspiration, and innovation.

Herbs for the Queen of Pentacles

  • Chamomilenurturing and self-care
  • Hazel – knowledge, wisdom, connection
  • Lavenderrelaxation, healing, and tranquility; promotes a calm and balanced environment in career and personal life. 
  • Patchouli – grounding and stability, assists in staying rooted in goals and values in career or financial matters.
  • Rosemarymental clarity, focus, success, and practical wisdom, enhances ability to make sound financial decisions.

Questions that the Queen of Pentacles asks us

  • Am I effectively managing my financial resources and creating a stable foundation for my long-term goals and ambitions?
  • What steps can I take to bring more balance and grounded energy into my life, both in my career and personal relationships?

That is the Queen of Pentacles:  the balance of nurturing and practicality.  Wishing you a week in which you find that balance and always remember to feel abundant regardless of your bank account.  As always please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading.  Next week we round up the Pentacles suit with the King of Pentacles!


The Knight of Pentacles.
Against a brilliant yellow background, a knight in full armor sits atop his mighty black steed.  The Knight wears a red tunic over his armor, and the bridle and other trappings of the horse are also red.  He gazes both at the large pentacle (coin) in his hand and also at what is in front of him.  The land around seems somewhat barren, as though he is in a field that has been made ready to plant, but nothing has begun to grow.  The knight wears a sprig of oak leaves on his helm and the horse has the same sprig on its bridle.
The Knight of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles represents diligence, responsibility, and practicality.  This card embodies the qualities of a methodical and determined individual who approaches tasks with a strong work ethic.  The Knight of Pentacles encourages a slow and steady approach to achieving one’s goals, emphasizing the importance of consistency and reliability in all endeavors.  This card also signifies a focus on financial matters and material stability, suggesting the need for careful planning and a disciplined approach to money and resources.  In varying decks, the Knight of Pentacles is known as endurance, determination, and the ambitious builder.                  

The man who is prepared has his battle half fought

Miguel de Cervantes

Common Meanings

The Knight of Pentacles can sometimes point towards the routine aspects of life such as the daily grind, repetitive schedule, or routine.  This knight knows that those small details are what makes the eventual goal more attainable. He is willing to commit to taking all the steps, no matter how trivial they may seem, in order to reach his goal. 

In a reading that is related to work or finances, the Knight of Pentacles reminds you that now is not the time for a wildly innovative idea, but rather to stick to the routine that works.  If you are seeking work, this is a time to be methodical in your approach. Perhaps create a system to keep track of resumes and interviews in such a way that you can study the data and learn from it as you plot your next steps. 

In a relationship or love reading, when looking for love, the message of the Knight of Pentacles is much the same as it is for career or life in general. Keep on keeping on and keep doing what you are doing.  This is a marathon and not a sprint.

If you are in an established relationship, Knight of Pentacles is an indication that you are in your groove and adhering to standard routines.  It can be an indication of boredom; in which case the relationship might benefit from a break in the routine – such as a weekend getaway or incorporating a new hobby of some sort. 

The Many Faces of the Knight of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the Knight of Pentacles can indicate workaholic tendencies, or laziness, procrastination, or beginning something without doing all of your due diligence.  It is a reminder to pay attention and make sure you have all your ducks in a row before embarking on this new idea that is shining so brightly in your mind. 


Against a brilliant yellow background, a knight in full armor sits atop his mighty black steed.  The Knight wears a red tunic over his armor, and the bridle and other trappings of the horse are also red.  He gazes both at the large pentacle (coin) in his hand and also at what is in front of him.  The land around seems somewhat barren, as though he is in a field that has been made ready to plant. The knight wears a sprig of oak leaves on his helm and the horse has the same sprig on its bridle. 

Themes of The Knight of Pentacles

  • Dependability
  • Determination
  • Diligence
  • Faith
  • Growth
  • Practicality
  • Thoughtful, methodical progress

Court Cards – Knights

Knights are known as prince, warrior, seeker.  Both knights and Pages can represent either young people or influences.  They are action, often impulsive action, although less so with the Knight of Pentacles.  While most knights’ horses are in action, the horse of the Knight of Pentacles is at rest. The knight scans the horizon and makes careful decisions. Since Pentacles deal with earthly, material matters, the Knight represents a youthful person beginning a new endeavor. 

Unlike the Knight of Cups, who is ruled by emotions and dives in before thinking things through, the Knight of Pentacles favors a more methodical and thoughtful approach.  He is ready to begin his journey but has taken the time to make sure that his ideas have legs and are practical.  However, since he is still a young person, he doesn’t have the benefit of wisdom that is gained through years of living.

 Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Armor – defense, preparation
  • Horse standing still – a measured approach, taking the time to ensure moves are right.
  • Red harness, bridle, and chest band on horse
  • Sprigs of oak on Knights helmet and bridle of horse – long life, strength, stability, durability, control, even handedness, and honesty
  • Unplanted soil – fertile ground, ready to grow the seeds planted by hard work
  • Yellow Background – intellect, optimism

Herbs for The Knight of Pentacles  

  • Ashwagandha – calms the mind and lowers cortisol levels.  Helps with mental fatigue, stress, and exhaustion.
  • Bacopa – improved brain function, especially the speed of information processing and reaction time.
  • Gotu Kola – memory, alertness, and mood; may enhance strength and physical functioning.
  • Rosemary – Promotes mental clarity, focus, and success, learning new skills, work cooperation.
  • Yarrow – Provides energetic stamina via steady objective, essential to the steady release of energy

Questions that the Knight of Pentacles asks us

  •  What is required for you to stick to your plan for success, especially when the details begin to feel mundane?
  • Have you been procrastinating on something, which has led to stagnation, and if so, what do you need to do in order to shift from planning to action?

 That is the Knight of Pentacles: calm, thorough assessment of all aspects of the situation before charging blindly forward.  Wishing you a week in which you take a pause to breathe and check in with yourself before beginning to sow the seeds of whatever dream you have.  Thank you for reading and, as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading.  Please join me next week for the Queen Of Pentacles!


The Page of Pentacles 
Standing in front of a luminous yellow sky is a young man clad in a green tunic and leggings, wearing a red hood and scarf.  He is focused solely upon a single coin that he holds aloft in both hands.  We see a group of trees in the background, fertile fields, and the suggestion of a small cliff.  Low mountains of blue stand in the background.
Page of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles represents a youthful and studious individual who is eager to learn and begin practical ventures.  This card signifies a new phase of exploration and growth in the realm of finances, career, or education.  The Page is depicted as a diligent figure holding a pentacle, symbolizing their dedication to earthly matters and a desire for tangible achievements.  This card encourages you to embrace a beginner’s mindset, be open to opportunities for learning, and approach your goals with patience and diligence, as success will come through steady progress and attention to detail.

I discovered that a fresh start is a process.  A fresh start is a journey – a journey that requires a plan.

Vivian Jokotade

Common Meanings

The Page of Pentacles is about new ventures in career and education, but with a practical and pragmatic approach.  We see this page carefully making plans and beginning to take the steps to bring those plans to fruition.

In a reading related to career, work, or finances, the Page of Pentacles is a sign that you either already have, or will soon have, a job that brings you financial success, but which will require careful planning and strategies in order to see that come into fruition.  There is sure to be successful outcomes from this career or investment opportunity, but this is the planning – or planting – stage.  It will be some time before this bears fruit, but you must trust that you have prepared the ground, amended the soil, planted the seeds, and carefully tended them.  Bloom they must. 

In a reading regarding relationships and love, the Page of Pentacles can, if you are seeking a new love, indicate that you are taking a more focused and steady approach rather than being carried away by dreams of romance.  If you are in an established relationship, Page of Pentacles suggests that this is a relatively new relationship and is grounded in practicality; both partners are rich in common sense and equally eager to see a successful relationship develop through careful planning and communication.  You may possibly even be considering the idea of starting a new business with your partner.

The Many Faces of the Page of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the Page of Pentacles can be an indication of stagnation, lack of progress or commitment, failure to bring plans from concept to fruition.  It could be a sign that while you are exploring a new venture, you are not quite ready to embark upon this new path. 

If you have been struggling with getting a new venture off the ground, the Page of Pentacles gently urges you to go back to the planning phases and determine if you have done all of the groundwork.  This is also a good time to pause and reevaluate your original goals to see if they still bear water.  Finally, it is a very good time to review your past mistakes and the lessons derived from them and determine how you can apply that knowledge going forward.


 Standing in front of a luminous yellow sky is a young man clad in a green tunic and leggings, wearing a red hood and scarf.  He is focused solely upon a single coin that he holds aloft in both hands.  We see a group of trees in the background, fertile fields, and the suggestion of a small cliff.  Low mountains of blue stand in the background

Themes of The Page of Pentacles

  • Ambition
  • A proposal or offer
  • Beginnings
  • Creating new opportunities
  • Dedication
  • Enterprising
  • Exploration stage
  • Financial opportunities
  • Loyalty
  • New career paths
  • New opportunities
  • Welcome news
  • Plans turning into reality

Court Cards – Pages

Often called “messenger cards,” Pages of any suit typically represent either young person, or a personality/influence that is young, enthusiastic, and somewhat impetuous.  It is the classic young at heart attitude.  In the suit of Pentacles, which represents earthly, material things such as money or home, this Page indicates new beginnings and awareness of money, wealth, career and physical health and new ways to manifest those goals.  Sometimes the Pages represent someone, and at other times, it could simply be a personality trait of the querent.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Cliff or precipice – new beginnings
  • Distant Mountains – challenges and obstacles to be met before goal is reached.
  • Red hood and scarf draped down back – momentum, enthusiasm, all-in motivation.
  • Single coin – focus on earthly or material gain. 
  • Trees – success stemming from seeds carefully planted and tended. 
  • Yellow sky -intellect; letting your light shine.
  • Young man or Page – a youthful spirit, eager to start and succeed in life. 

Herbs for the Page of Pentacles

  • Basil – success, prosperity and peace, career, and business luck
  • Calamus – Cognitive function, helps us to slow down and pay attention to details
  • Golden Sage – grounding, cutting through mental fog, being more present and calming feelings of overwhelm. 
  • Oregano – grounding, wealth, and money luck
  • Wood Betony – calming and centering, balances gut instinct and head.

Questions that the Page of Pentacles asks us

  • If you’ve started a new venture, what is your plan for it to succeed?
  • Can you embrace a child’s mindset and be teachable and eager to learn in order to succeed?

That is the Page of Pentacles: the eagerness of new beginnings balanced by a careful and systematic approach.  Wishing you a week in which those opportunities that thrill and excite you also offer a clear path to success.  Thank you for reading and please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading.  Please join me next week for the Knight of Pentacles!


The 10 of Pentacles:
An older, gray-haired man wearing a colorful cloak decorated with grapes and with two faithful dogs at his feet, sits contentedly in the courtyard of a generous manor home.   A couple stands nearby under a stone archway.  The archway is adorned with coats of arms, one bearing the image of a fortress amid a watery scene, and the other scales.  A child clings to the skirts of the female.  In the background is a stone castle bearing a single high tower.  The sky is a brilliant blue.  Scattered throughout the scene are 10 bright yellow pentacles (coins).
The 10 of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The 10 of Pentacles

The 10 of Pentacles represents wealth, legacy, and family prosperity.  Depicted as a well-established family gathered in front of a grand estate, it signifies financial stability, generational wealth, and the fulfillment of material desires. 

10 of Pentacles encourages you to appreciate your family’s support and the abundance you’ve created together.  It suggests a time of financial security and the potential for lasting success in both material and familial aspects of life.  This card indicates that you have mastered your money, or finances, and no longer need to feel bound to the vagaries of income’s ups and downs.  Alternate names in varying decks are The Lord of Wealth, harvest, wealth, stability, and attainment.

What impact are you making, not only today, but for eternity? What impact are you making to leave a legacy?

Kirk Cousins

Common Meanings

In a work or finance related reading, the 10 of Pentacles signifies ultimate success. It represents stability, legacy, and abundance in work and finances.  This card suggests that you have built a solid foundation for long-term prosperity and security, often through family or ancestral wealth.  It encourages you to focus on creating a lasting and harmonious career path that benefits not only you but also future generations.

If you are job-seeking, 10 of Pentacles indicates that you may find a position that offers not only financial stability but also a strong sense of belonging and security and suggests focusing on opportunities within established, reputable companies or industries, as they may lead to long-term success and the potential for advancement. There is also an emphasis on how a job aligns with your overall life goals and values, as it may indicate a potential for a fulfilling and lasting career path.

In a family or relationships reading, 10 of Pentacles signifies a strong connection and stability within your family and close relationships and can indicate a marriage that fulfills these requirements.  It represents a harmonious and prosperous family life, filled with support, tradition, and shared values and the importance of generational or ancestral ties and the role they play in your overall well-being.  This card encourages you to appreciate the bonds you have with your loved ones and the wealth of emotional and material resources that come from these connections. 

The Many Faces of the 10 of Pentacles

The reversal – or shadow side – of the 10 of Pentacles can portend disruptions in family or Financial security, or an over-emphasis on luxury and status.  It may indicate conflicts or strained relationships within your family or a lack of support in your close connections.  This card advises you to assess and address any underlying issues within your family dynamics or financial management to regain balance and harmony in your life.


An older, gray-haired man wearing a colorful cloak decorated with grapes and with two faithful dogs at his feet, sits contentedly in the courtyard of a generous manor home.   A couple stands nearby under a stone archway.  The archway is adorned with coats of arms, one bearing the image of a fortress amid a watery scene, and the other scales.  A child clings to the skirts of the female.  In the background is a stone castle bearing a single high tower.  The sky is a brilliant blue.  Scattered throughout the scene are 10 bright yellow pentacles (coins).  

Themes of The 10 of Pentacles

  • Building a legacy
  • Community
  • Contribution
  • Family
  • Financial security
  • Generosity
  • Good Business
  • Inheritance
  • Marriage
  • Stability
  • Wealth

The Number 10

An ending and a beginning:  A life phase has ended and a new one has begun.  Number 10 is all about achievement and excellence, which makes for a whole and satisfying life.  Since Pentacles are about material assets, health, and security, ten signifies satisfaction and enjoying the rewards of one’s labors.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Coats of arms in stone – scale, for counting and keeping balance financially, fortress with water symbolizing impenetrability
  • Cloak bearing symbols of alchemy and grapes – reaping the harvest, transformation of wealth over time.
  • Coins – material wealth, success, and tangible rewards of hard work
  • Dogs – fidelity, loyalty, protection
  • Multiple generations – family values, tradition, and generational wealth
  • Stone archway and castle – threshold of new prosperity, family legacy, permanence, the solid foundation upon which family and wealth is built.

Herbs for The 10 of Pentacles  

  • Allspice – Money, luck, healing, acquiring wealth. Provides added resolve and momentum in business.
  • Basil – success, prosperity and peace, career, and business luck. cinnamon – love, power, and positivism; the strength of love
  • cinnamon – love, power, and positivism; the strength of love
  • Dandelion – Abundance, success, luck, tenaciousness, the deep lasting roots of family and community
  •  Sassafras – family, foundation, thoughtful selections

Questions that the 10 of Pentacles asks us

  • What does family and tradition mean to you, and how does it enrich your life, both emotionally and financially?
  • What foundations and legacy can you begin to build – or have already started building – to pass on to those who come behind you?

That is the 10 of Pentacles:  building and reconnecting with the foundations of family, community and what is important.  Wishing you a week in which you enjoy the life you have created with the people whom you love.  Thank you for reading, and, as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or for a reading.  Please join me next week for the Page of Pentacles!


The 9 of Pentacles
In a card dominated by the color yellow, a woman stands in flowing robes of yellow lined with red, indicating abundance and material wealth.  There are flowers scattered against the yellow background of the robe.  Her left arm wears a gauntlet and a hooded falcon perches on her upraised left hand.  Behind her is a carefully tended grapevine heavy with ripened fruit, in front of which are stacked 9 pentacles.  Her right-hand rests on the closest pentacle.  In the background, adding symmetry to the image, are two trees, equidistant from the figure, and we see a partial dwelling, or castle on the right side of the card.  Further in the background stands a mountain range.  In the foreground a small snail makes its slow way across the ground.
The 9 of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The 9 of Pentacles

The 9 of Pentacles card represents self-sufficiency, abundance, and personal achievement.  It typically depicts a woman in a lush garden, surrounded by wealth and luxury, symbolizing the rewards of hard work and financial independence. 

Common themes associated with this card include financial stability, enjoying the fruits of one’s labor, and taking pride in one’s accomplishments.  It also encourages self-reliance and the need to savor life’s pleasures while maintaining a strong sense of independence and self-worth. Some alternate names in varying decks are security, abundance, accumulation. 

Getting lost in the ‘big picture’ often prevents us from cherishing the ‘small moments’ that make it all worthwhile…

J.R. Wirth

Common Meanings

When the 9 of Pentacles shows up, it indicates that you have worked diligently to achieve your level of wealth and abundance, and that it is ok to take a minute to breathe and enjoy the fruits of your efforts and maybe even treat yourself to something that you want – be it something material, or a lovely trip, or just some time to sit back and recognize and revel in all that you have accomplished. 

In a money or career related reading, 9 of Pentacles is a sign that you will achieve higher status at work and with it will enjoy a new level of comfort and recognition. It can also be a favorable sign for starting an independent or home-based business in which you will find success from your dedication and hard work.  if seeking work, you will soon find one that will fulfill you materially and spiritually, and that you will be able to reach your financial goals. 

In a love or relationship-based reading, 9 of Pentacles reminds you that if you are seeking love, to remember your own worth and keep self-respect at the forefront of your mind and seek someone who will recognize you for the jewel that you are.  In other words, don’t settle for someone just because they are there.  You deserve the best! If you are in an established relationship, 9 of Pentacles reminds you to treat your partner like a king or queen, and that they will treat you the same in return, so that together you can celebrate your union and all the abundance you have created together. 

The Many Faces of the 9 of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the 9 of Pentacles is all about self-worth and how we value ourselves – either by how we make self-care a priority or in compensation for our work.  Investment in ourselves is always going to pay off.  It can indicate a potential setback or delay in achieving financial independence and material success. 

It may reveal a need to reevaluate your financial goals or investments, as there could be obstacles or overspending hindering your progress.  This card prompts reflection on whether your pursuit of wealth has come at the cost of personal freedom and happiness, encouraging you to find a balance between material pursuits and emotional well-being, and finally, it warns against a tendency to live beyond your means in an effort to “keep up with the Jones’s” in appearance.


In a card dominated by the color yellow, a woman stands in flowing robes of yellow lined with red with flowers scattered against the yellow background of the robe.  Her left arm wears a gauntlet and a hooded falcon perches on her upraised left hand.  Behind her is a grapevine heavy with ripened fruit, in front of which are stacked 9 pentacles.  Her right-hand rests on the closest pentacle.  In the background, adding symmetry to the image, are two trees, equidistant from the figure, and we see a partial dwelling, or castle on the right side of the card.  Further in the background stands a mountain range.  In the foreground a small snail makes its slow way across the ground. 

Themes of The 9 of Pentacles

  • Achievement
  • Individual accomplishment
  • Inner harmony
  • Luxury
  • Material comfort
  • Milestones experienced and fulfilled.
  • Productive yield  
  • Psychic and material fulfillment
  • Serenity
  • Wealth 

The Number 9

Faith, inner-strength, accountability, insight, learning how and when to say “No.”  Trio of mind, body, and soul, and the perfect balance of this triumvirate.  Three sets of three, indicating and magnifying trinity – maiden, mother, crone; mind, body, spirit.  In association with the suit of Pentacles – coins – this can be an indication of balance of financial security allowing her to live abundantly and thus also able to give generously. 

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Grapevines/grapes – the abundant harvest of something carefully tended and nurtured. 
  • Hooded falcon– wild instincts tamed, spiritual and material self-control. 
  • Large house in background – symbol of success and plenty
  • Placement of Pentacles (coins) – 6 on her right side, symbolizing that which she will keep and 3 on her left, indicating that which she will spend or give away. 
  • Red – Passion for life, drive, and instinct
  • Snail – slow and steady progress, self-sufficiency, continuity
  • Yellow – confidence, wisdom.  When combined with red, conveys resolve of the mind.

Herbs for The 9 of Pentacles

  • Alfalfa – Luck, prosperity, and overall good fortune
  • Borage – Empowering, courage; lifts spirit and gladdens the heart.
  • Grape – mental clarity; prosperity
  • Red clover – Protection, prosperity, good fortune
  • Spearmint – wealth drawing, love, healing, and insight

Questions that the 9 of Pentacles asks us

  • When did you last take time to relax, appreciate, and celebrate all that you have accomplished?
  • Are you being valued for your efforts and being compensated fairly, and if not, how can you increase your sense of worth and advocate for receiving what you should – financially and emotionally?

 That is the 9 of Pentacles:  an opportunity to take some time to appreciate how much we have accomplished.  Wishing you a week in which you pause, smell the roses, and enjoy your successes before diving back in.  Thank you for reading, and as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading.  Please join me next week for the 10 of Pentacles!


The 8 of Pentacles 
A tradesman sits on his work bench, clad in red and blue with a black apron.  He is hard at work with hammer and chisel engraving golden disks.  Six are hung carefully on the wall next to him, he works on the 7th, and one lies on the ground, as though overlooked, or discarded.  The sky is cloudless, of indeterminate hue, and we see a city in the distance.
The 8 of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of the 8 of Pentacles

8 of Pentacles symbolizes diligent effort and skillful work.  It depicts a person meticulously crafting pentacles, indicating a focus on honing one’s abilities and striving for mastery.  This card signifies dedication, growth through practice, and a commitment to refining one’s talents.  It suggests a period of focused learning, craftsmanship, and incremental progress toward long-term goals. Some alternate meanings in varying decks are The Apprentice, Dedication, Progress, Inner Order.

Everything we do is practice for something greater than where we currently are. Practice only makes for improvement.

Les Brown

Common Meanings

The 8 of Pentacles can indicate that money is on the way to you, earned through your own diligent and unwavering efforts. 

In finance or career related reading, the 8 of Pentacles assures you that you are conscientious and apply yourself diligently to make sure that a job is done right.  It may be indicative of a course of study may take some time to bring to completion; remember slow and steady wins the race in this instance.  In finance, it can indicate that you must settle for an entry level wage for the time being, but encourages you to stay the course, find satisfaction in a job well done, and trust that the rewards will follow. 

In a relationship or love reading, the 8 of Pentacles highlights determination to stay the course and invest in the commitment to the success of the relationship.  If you are seeking a relationship, 8 of Pentacles can indicate determination to be prepared and find the right partnership that will last. 

The Many Faces of the 8 of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the 8 of Pentacles can be a sign of stagnation, and feeling like you are beating your head against a wall and not seeing results (well, other than a headache).  It may be a call to take a step back and assess whether this is a temporary blockage or whether there is a need to be flexible and move on. 

8 of Pentacles can also be indicative of being so focused on one detail that you miss the bigger picture, so it may be a good time to take a step back and try to see the whole forest, rather than just the tree in front of you.  Finally, it can also indicate that you are working away at yourself and focused on becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. 


A tradesman sits on his work bench, clad in red and blue with a black apron.  He is hard at work with hammer and chisel engraving golden disks.  Six are hung carefully on the wall next to him, he works on the 7th, and one lies on the ground, as though overlooked, or discarded.  The sky is cloudless, of indeterminate hue, and we see a city in the distance. 

Themes of The 8 of Pentacles

  • Accomplishment
  • Apprenticeship
  • Attention to detail.  
  • Diligent efforts
  • Education
  • Financial gains
  • Focused learning
  • Mastery

The Number 8

Stability and renewal, inner strength and wisdom and healthy balanced ego.  Fulfillment, the combination of two fours which represent stability.  When combined with Pentacles, the key is hard work and steady focus with controlled forward momentum. 

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Black apron- symbol of trade, practical protection, and color black symbolic protection.
  • Coin on the ground – perhaps discarded – pride in work, can sometimes be to a fault in over-perfectionism.
  • Hammer and chisel – tools of the trade needed to eventually gain mastery
  • Red and Blue clothing – drive and truth of purpose

Herbs for The 8 of Pentacles

  • Gotu Kola – memory, alertness, and mood; may enhance strength and physical functioning.
  • Licorice root – supports adrenals, which helps manage stress.
  • Lions Mane – improve cognitive performance and reduce brain fog.
  • Peppermint – helps memory, energy and focus
  • Rhodiola – memory, concentration, endurance, burnout

Questions that the 8 of Pentacles asks us

  • What skill do I need to learn in order to gain the Mastery I am seeking?
  • Have I lost sight of the real goal in being bogged down with day-to-day minutiae?

That is the 8 of Pentacles:  dedication, focus and hard work leading to mastery.  Wishing you a week in which you keep your eye on the prize!  Thank you for reading, and, as always, please reach out with comments, questions, or to schedule a reading (I can do discord!)  Please join me next week for the 9 of Pentacles!


The 7 of  Pentacles: 
A man, clad in red and blue, takes a break from his hard work and leans on his hoe, as he contemplates vigorous vines which, while healthy, have not matured enough to bear fruit.  Arranged on the vines are six coins, with the seventh being at his feet. In the distant background, we see purple mountains.
The 7 of Pentacles

Overview and Common Meanings of The 7 of Pentacles

The 7 of Pentacles generally symbolizes a period of assessment, contemplation, and patience. This card often represents a moment of reflection on one’s efforts and investments.  It suggests that while progress has been made, there’s a need to pause and consider the results achieved so far.  This card can indicate a time of waiting, as one evaluates whether the current path is yielding the desired outcomes.  It can also signify the importance of long-term planning and the idea that consistent, diligent work will eventually lead to fruitful results.  In some interpretations, the 7 of Pentacles can warn against becoming too absorbed in the process, urging individuals to balance their efforts with moments of rest and rejuvenation. Alternate names in some varying decks are options, results, depletion.

Success requires both urgency and patience. Be urgent about making the effort, and patient about seeing the results.

Ralph Marston

Common Meanings

7 of Pentacles shows up as a reminder that the goal you have been working towards is in sight, and that it is a good time to assess your progress.  It is not a time to rest, but rather to use this time of evaluation as an inventory of what you have accomplished this far, and what needs to happen going forward into making that goal into a reality, no matter how tedious this current phase feels.  You have planted and tended the seeds of inspiration, stay patient and trust the process and your diligence will pay off. 

In a career or financial reading, 7 of Pentacles can indicate that your investment in long term goals, such as education is about to see the rewards.  If you are seeking work, 7 of Pentacles urges you towards a role in which you feel ownership or responsibility – possibly even starting your own business – and reminds you that while the rewards may not come quickly, they will come and will be all the richer for the wait.  Finally, 7 of Pentacles reminds you to save for a rainy day.

In a reading that is related to love and relationships, the 7 of Pentacles is a reminder to stay the course.  If you are seeking love, this is a positive sign that the right person is going to appear, but it may take longer than you would prefer.  However, this person is going to meet your standards, and that is more important than immediate gratification anyway!

If you are in a stable relationship already, 7 of Pentacles suggests that this is a relationship wholly worthy of your time and energy, and that you both understand that a successful long-term relationship requires investment in time and energy, along with commitment.  If your relationship is struggling, 7 of Pentacles provides assurance that you both still see the value and are willing to invest time and energy to making it successful. 

The Many Faces of The 7 of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the 7 of Pentacles can indicate procrastination, and serve as a gentle reminder that, no matter how tiresome the work feels right now, you need to re-focus and remind yourself that it will be worth it in the end. Sometimes the card can indicate that a re-evaluation of your current path is in order; perhaps a new job or maybe just a slight pivot to bring you back into alignment with your vision. 


A man, clad in red and blue, takes a break from his hard work and leans on his hoe, as he contemplates vigorous vines which, while healthy, have not matured enough to bear fruit.  Arranged on the vines are six coins, with the seventh being at his feet. In the distant background, we see purple mountains.     

Themes of The 7 of Pentacles

  • Building
  • Investment in lasting results
  • Long term vision
  • Patience for future success
  • Perseverance
  • Possibility for achievement
  • Work

The Number 7

Seven is an important number.  It is the number of alliance, days of the week, days of creation of the universe.  Seven is a call for patience and is all about learning and understanding at a deeper, more intellectual level.  Seven presents’ options and the ability to combine heaven and earth for creating the ideal.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Blue in clothing –following one’s true purpose.
  • Coins (pentacles) – placed in the vines symbolize what must be left to invest and grow for the future.  Coin at feet symbolizing current disposable income. 
  • Hoe – item with which change will take place, symbol of hard work.
  • Man with feet on the ground – firmly rooted and working towards something.
  • Red in clothing – passion and energy for project
  • Vines with no fruit – hard work that has yet to bear fruit; necessity of tending and nurturing those plans and ideas in order to bring them to reality. 

Herbs for The 7 of Pentacles

  • Balmony -Steadfastness, patience, and perseverance. Associated with the tortoise or turtle.
  • Bloodroot – For those who are learning to ‘bide one’s time’. For learning to give oneself and others space to unfold. For those who must wait.
  • Lemon Balm – calming and promoting trust, psychic/spiritual development.
  • Turmeric – anti-inflammatory, promotes calmness and peace of mind.
  • Yellow dock – good herb for periods of change and transformation; assists in patience at the cusp to a new chapter in time.

Questions that the 7 of Pentacles asks us

  • What steps have you taken – or can you take – to ensure success?
  • Are you feeling scattered and disorganized in your goals and if so, how can you bring yourself back to center and your goals back into alignment with your vision?

That is the 7 of Pentacles:  focus and determination resulting in success.  Wishing you a week in which you see some of your goals – either big or small – beginning to bear fruit.  As always, please reach out to me with comments, questions, or to schedule a meeting (I can do zoom or discord voice!)  Have a great week and please join me next week for the 8 of Pentacles!


The 6 of Pentacles 
In the 6 of Pentacles card, you see an apparently affluent nobleman in a red cloak over a blue striped tunic with two figures kneeling at his feet as though in supplication.  He holds scales in his left hand, and his right hand appears to be dropping coins into the hands of one of the beggars.  Arranged around his head are 6 large golden pentacles – coins.
The 6 of Pentacles

Overview and common meanings of The 6 of pentacles

The 6 of Pentacles symbolizes themes of generosity, charity, and balance.  This card represents the act of giving and receiving on both material and spiritual levels.  It signifies a time of sharing one’s resources and abundance with those in need, fostering a sense of harmony and fairness in relationships and situations, and encourages us to consider the power dynamics at play in our interactions, reminding us of the importance of giving and receiving with an open heart and a sense of equality.  Alternative names in varying decks are synergy, gratitude, breakthrough. 

Life is an echo.  What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap.

Zig Ziglar

Common Meanings

Typically, 6 of Pentacles indicates money coming from a bequest, or the ability to provide a financial boon to someone else.  The energy around this card is a gentle reminder that there is no shame in accepting help when you need it, particularly when done from a genuine desire to help.

In a career or financial reading, 6 of Pentacles suggests that if you are looking for new employment a mentor or employer is willing to take a chance on you in a position that will challenge you and allow you to sharpen your skills.  Financially it is also a message to be aware of whether you rely too heavily on others for your financial wholeness and an opportunity to vision ways in which to create stronger financial independence. 

In a reading with the emphasis on love or relationships, and you are seeking a new relationship, 6 of Pentacles can be a sign that you are going to be introduced to someone by a friend, family member, or coworker and that when the offer arrives, accept it.  In an established relationship, it is a good time to pay attention to whether there is an imbalance in love or energy put into the relationship, and what steps you can take to restore equity. 

The Many Faces of the 6 of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the 6 of Pentacles can suggest an inability to hold on to money – either through carelessness, bad investments, or frivolous overspending.  It can also serve as a caution to be wary and pay attention to a potential hidden agenda (strings attached!) of a financial offer or charity.  Sometimes it is a call for the need for self-care when giving charitably to maintain the balance of giving and receiving.  It can also be indicative of the need for careful evaluation of your history and patterns around the flow of money in your life, or simply to just caution you to tread carefully if you are considering taking on more debt. 


In the 6 of Pentacles card, you see an apparently affluent nobleman in a red cloak over a blue striped tunic with two figures kneeling at his feet as though in supplication.  He holds scales in his left hand, and his right hand appears to be dropping coins into the hands of one of the beggars.  Arranged around his head are 6 large golden pentacles – coins. 

Themes of The 6 of Pentacles

  • Appreciation
  • Charity
  • Compassion
  • Connection with your sphere – family and friends
  • Family
  • Financial harmony
  • Generosity
  • Gifts
  • Improvement in financial circumstances
  • Inheritance
  • Property
  • Wise Investments

The Number 6

The embodiment of the heart and love.   Emotional relationships, compassion, empathy, harmony, and support.  When associated with Pentacles, six magnifies stability with sensitivity, the ability to be generous without patronizing, and the grace to accept help when it is warranted or needed. 

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Beggars juxtaposed with the wealthy nobleman- necessity of both giving and receiving.
  • Blue striped tunic of nobleman – virtue of generosity
  • Coins in the air – the ongoing cycle of abundance –both giving and receiving.
  • Red cloak of nobleman- red is the color of energy and practicality.
  • Scales – the scales of mercy and justice, fairness and equality

Herbs for The 6 of Pentacles

  • Alfalfa – Luck, prosperity, and overall good fortune
  • Cedarwood – Luck, strength, healing.  Helps improve money and safety.
  • Comfrey – prosperity, physical and emotional healing, setting intention on manifesting long-term goals.
  • Daisy- abundance, joy, happiness, transformation
  • White Clover – restores vibration to an innate state of positivity and perfection

Questions that the 6 of Pentacles asks us

  • Am I being generous with my resources, time, and wisdom to those around me in need?
  • When a helping hand is offered, do I instinctively reject it out of pride or is it actually fear?

That is the 6 of Pentacles.  Wishing you a week in which you find that balance between giving and receiving that enriches your soul.  Thank you for reading, and, as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or to schedule a reading.  Please join me next week for the 7 Of Pentacles! 


The 5 of Pentacles depicts two figures in the cold snow at night beneath a stained-glass church window depicting 5 golden coins, or pentacles.  One of the figures is on crutches with a plague bell around their neck.  The other has a blanket or shawl pulled up over their head.  They appear to be walking past the light, so focused on the cold that they fail to notice that there is light and warmth that is available to them.
The Five of Pentacles

There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity.  And that lie is, ‘There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough’.  There is enough for everyone.  If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That’s the truth

Michael Beckwith

Overview and Common Meanings of the 5 of Pentacles

The 5 of Pentacles represents a challenging period of hardship and financial struggle. Depicted as two figures walking in the snow outside a church, it symbolizes feelings of isolation, exclusion, and vulnerability. In varying decks, 5 of Pentacles is also known as Cultivation, Persistence, New Possibilities.

Common Meanings

The card often implies a sense of loss, either material or emotional, and the need for seeking help during trying times. Oftentimes, the message is that we are focusing on fear of loss or lack and missing the abundance that we have in our life. The core message of the 5 of Pentacles lies in facing difficulties and the potential for eventual recovery.

In a work or financial reading the 5 of Pentacles says that this may not be the optimal time for seeking employment or starting a new business venture but rather a time to tighten your belt and keep things status quo.  If you have been struggling financially, the card sends a strong nudge that there is help available, but you have to ask for it. 

In a relationship or love related reading, when seeking love, the 5 of pentacles may indicate that there are no good prospects currently, so it is a good time to shift focus away from that search and trust that this will eventually pass.  In established relationships, the 5 of pentacles can imply stressors most likely focused on money – lack thereof, irresponsible spending, etc., which has left you feeling isolated and alone.  It is time for honest conversations to establish a plan and to reconnect with your partner so that you feel less alone.

The 5 of Pentacles is an important card to address on the spiritual level, as it magnifies areas in our life where we are experiencing lack, whether it be physical lack or just an emotional deficiency.  Perhaps you have focused on monetary wealth and neglected spiritual and emotional wealth.  This is a reminder to find balance.  Perhaps it is a good time to adopt a new spiritual practice. 

The Many Faces of The Five of Pentacles

The shadow side – or reversal – of the 5 of Pentacles brings with it an opportunity to re-examine whether you are holding on to situations, material things, or relationships out of fear of loss or heartache.  It can also be a sign that this season of hardship is ending or is already behind you.  The shadow side can also show up to shine light on an imbalance of power in a relationship, whether it be a professional one or a personal one…issues like withholding affection or money can be at the heart of the shadow side of the 5 of Pentacles. 


The 5 of Pentacles depicts two figures in the cold snow at night beneath a stained-glass church window depicting 5 golden coins, or pentacles.  One of the figures is on crutches with a plague bell around their neck.  The other has a blanket or shawl pulled up over their head.  They appear to be walking past the light, so focused on the cold that they fail to notice that there is light and warmth that is available to them. 

Themes of the 5 of Pentacles

  • Fear of poverty
  • Financial hardships   
  • Hope
  • Illness
  • Insecurity
  • Isolation
  • Lack mentality.
  • Light in the darkness
  • Love
  • Loyalty
  • Strong partnerships
  • Unity in times of tribulation

The Number 5  

The number 5 is a holy number in many religions: – in Christianity, the 5 holy wounds of Christ; Hinduism – The five elements; Islam – the Five Pillars of Islam.  In numerology 5 is curiosity of the spiritual nature, but also imbalance and upset. Five is the number of humanity and a reminder that we all experience disillusionment at some point in our lives.

Elements of the Card and Associated Symbolism

  • Beggar and person on crutches – by pooling resources, the two destitute figures create unity during adversity and emphasize the message that we are always stronger together.
  • Cold dark outside – feeling alone, or separated, out in the cold.
  • Light from church & pentacle-stained glass – union of the spiritual and material, hope; light in the darkness, wealth not grounded in money, but in soul satisfaction. 
  • Plague bell – originally signaled illness and ostracism.  Can be viewed as a reminder to celebrate the things that make us unique.
  • Snow – symbolizes cold and adversity, but also, with the church, a nod to yin/yang or light/dark, male/female energy, reminiscent of the two figures and their complementary nature.

Herbs for the 5 of Pentacles  

  • Allspice – Money, luck, healing, acquiring wealth. Provides added resolve and momentum.
  • Bergamot – Money, prosperity, protection from evil and illness, improving memory, promoting restful sleep
  • Cinquefoil – Balance; The five points of the leaf represent love, money, health, power, and wisdom
  • Orange Peel – love, insight, fortune, money, house & business negotiations
  • Oregano – wealth and money luck

Questions that the 5 of Pentacles asks us

  • Am I focusing on what is absent in my life and missing all the things that are present?
  • How can I learn to ask for help when I need it?

That is the 5 of Pentacles, an opportunity to revisit our relationship with feelings of lack in all aspects of our life.  Thank you for reading, and as always, please reach out with questions, comments, or to book a reading.  Please join me next week for the Six of Pentacles!!

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